Friday, June 10, 2016

Michael Dunn's Izu House Tour

It was a great day for an Izu drive.  Michael dropped Naomi off at the Izukogen station for her trip to Hirakata and then showed me the house he is buying near the Izukyu Jogasaki station.  From there we proceeded to Shimoda for me to get a notarization; while we waited for the paperwork, we visited the ferry company office to research for a trip to Nijima and Toshima.  Back on the road we went straight to lunch at Salute, then continued down the west coast from Matsuzaki to Aiai Misaki.  At the Geopark shop there we had an ice coffee and studied up on Izu's geological and volcanic history.  Rounding the cape we visited a house Michael built in the late 1960s at a tiny beach - Goseki ga Hama.  On the way back up the east coast we made the obligatory stop in Okawa for fresh eggs.  

Michael later cooked dinner in his Futo house and we enjoyed a peaceful Izuvian evening drinking Sicilian wines accompanied by the sound of waves in Futo harbor.  

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