Saturday, August 11, 2007

Iwasaki Cousins at Yuji's Wedding

Cousin Yuji is the first to get married of the current generation of Iwasaki boys -- sons of Junichi, Naomi and Tetsuji. Anton and Thor flew in from Honolulu for the wedding.

Sunday BBQ

Today for lunch we had marinated chicken, hamburgers and a corn and pork sausage stir fry for our tacos. I got out on the hot deck in my Crocs to BBQ.

Friday, August 10, 2007

In Ho Chi Minh City you can buy nice paintings like this

Mayumi picked up a lovely oil painting of the historic Buddha for a cheap price. It's hanging in their new house in Kahala that I have yet to visit. But I like the painting so much I wanted to put it up on my blog. Naomi took the picture when she and the kids were there in July.

Hawaii for the Family

While I was slaving away in Shanghai and Taipei, my family was on the beach at Waikiki learning how to surf!

Launching in India

In Delhi Donald and I launched an infrastructure index with our new partners, IDFC. We had the Minister of Finance on hand to lend a lot of support and in Bombay aka Mumbai there was a party for the financial community. We're having the usual IPR problems in an emerging market where stock exchanges give away index data for free and providers like FTSE have to work on ways to get the locals to pay.