Saturday, February 17, 2007

Meat Muffins

Yep! Here they are. Beef and pork meat muffins baked in one of those new silicon muffin pans. I used a herb meatloaf recipe from Epicurious, but added plenty of bread crumbs and milk to give them some lightness and smoothness.
That's my son Thor next to me. I put the ketchup on the table just in case he behaved like a teenager and need ketchup on his meat muffin. Actually he used the gravy!
The other dish is some green beans sliced lengthwise and cooked with garlic and olive oil. My favorite way to cook them.
Next time I'll use Hilma Charlotte Swanson's Kjottbollar (Swedish Meatballs) recipe.
3 lbs ground beef
1 lb ground pork
1 lb ground veal
3 T minced onion
2 C bread crumbs
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 t allspice
1 T salt
1/2 t pepper
1/2 t nutmeg
Water as needed

Mix and stuff in the muffin pans. Cook for 20-30 minutes at 350F. Use the drippings in the bottom of the muffin holes to make gravy.


Tokugawa Ieyasu

Instructions Left by Ieyasu

Life is like a long journey made with a heavy load. Slow and steady be your steps lest you should stumble. No complaints or despair there will be if you take it the way of mortals to bear personal discomforts.

When excessive desires are harbored in your heart look back upon the days of extremity you have passed through. Bear in mind that patience leads to a long life of security, while wrath is your own enemy.

To think much of your conquering and little of your stooping -- that will fare ill for you. Blame yourself and not others. It is better to be deficient than to exceed.

15 January 1603

'Tis all to a man to know himself,

To weigh and consider his ability:

Dew pearls sparkling on the grass,

Will ne'er stay long, alas!

When they are too weighty.